
San Antonio-Based Family Pest Control Explains the Appearance of Bed Bug Bites

By understanding the type of bite their family members have experienced, local area San Antonio residents can ensure the optimal treatment for their loved ones. It’s important to distinguish between the various types of insect bites that can occur within the average San Antonio home. And so within this post, the trusted team at San Antonio-based Family Pest Control highlight what families can expect to see when inspecting bed bug bites.

child with bed bug bites

What Does The Bite Look Like?

Bed bugs are known to bite during the night time when the person lays down in their bed. These creatures usually infest the structure of the bed so they can be difficult to spot when the person lays down in the evening time. When they wake up with a bed bug bite the following morning, bite victims can expect to see the following on exposed areas of their skin:

  • Raised areas of the skin
  • Redness in the bite area
  • Blistered skin from the bite
  • Small, circular marks
  • Bites that occur in rows of three to five
  • These bite descriptions are usually representative of a case of bed bugs within the home, and so if homeowners or their families experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek
  • treatment for the bite at the earliest available opportunity.

How To Treat Bed Bug Bites

Fortunately, unlike the bite of other insects found across San Antonio, bed bug control teams can simply explain how to treat bed bug bites. Because bed bug bites are rarely dangerous to human health, the process for treating the bite is straight forward. This treatment process includes the following steps:

First, wash the bites with soap and water

Washing the affected area with soap and water can help to alleviate any itchiness from the bites and also works to prevent infection of the skin.

Consider steroidal creams in case of extreme inflammation

When the inflammation and itching from the bed bug bites become too difficult to cope with throughout the day, bite victims might consider using steroidal creams. These creams can help significantly calm down the itching sensation and will also work to reduce the inflammation and redness within the skin.

Take over-the-counter medication for pain relief

Sometimes, bed bug bite victims experience significant pain as a result of their bites. Over-the-counter pain relief medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be taken to help immediately relieve any pain issues.

By reviewing the guidance within this article, families can ensure their loved ones achieve effective care for their bed bug bites. To discover more on bed bug control in the modern home, call San Antonio-based Family Pest Control directly!

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